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AHA Minutes - 10/29/2024


The Board of Commissioner's Regular Meeting

October 29, 2024

The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Auburn, Alabama had its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. The meeting was held at the Auburn Housing
Authority located at 931 Booker Street, Auburn, AL 36832.


The Board of Commissioner's Regular Meeting was called to order at 11:19 AM by Chairperson Robert Smith.


Board Members Present: Nolan Torbert, Rene Waldrop, Deborah Hand, Marguerite White and Robert Smith

Board Members Absent:
Others Present: Sharon Tolbert (Secretary/Treasurer), Tabitha Griffin (Staff), and Michael Syme (Attorney- Virtual) Gorman & Company team (Tom Jones, William Towns, Rafael Tudor, Noah Gerencir, Catherine Paul, Jeremy Johnson, and Laura Narduzzi) and Baker Tilly and Clesia Venture's team (Michael Hellier, Spencer Skinner, Damon
Duncan, Brian Greenan, Donald Bernards, and Jason Ware)


Chairperson Smith asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. Commissioner Waldrop suggested an amendment to the agenda, to move Resolution 10 up for approval before the Executive Session begins. Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve the  amendment of the Agenda. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the amendment of the Agenda be approved. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the amended Agenda approved.


Chairperson Smith asked if there were any corrections to the September 24, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes. There were no corrections. Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve the Minutes. Commissioner Torbert moved that the Minutes be approved. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the Minutes approved.


There were no public comments.


The Executive Session began at 11:35 AM. The Board of Commissioners, staff, and legal counsel met with Gordan and Company and Baker Tilly (along with Clesia Ventures) separately to discuss their proposal in response to AHA's Co-Developer Request for Proposal solicitation.
Commissioners were provided with a copy of the respondent's presentation and proposal. The organizations introduced themselves, elaborated on their experience, and gave a 15-minute presentation, followed by a question-and-answer session by the Board, staff, and legal counsel. There were various discussions. No action was taken during the Executive Session. The Executive Session ended at 2:17 PM. Legal counsel, members of Gordan and Company, Baker Tilly (along with Clesia Ventures) left the meeting upon the conclusion of the Executive Session.

Chairperson Smith left the meeting after the Executive Session, and Vice Chairperson Torbert presided over the meeting.

A. Resolution FYE2025-009: Co-Developer Selection
Resolution FYE2025-009 was introduced by Vice-Chairperson Torbert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the Co-Developer selection. There was various discussion.
Commissioner Waldrop made a recommendation to revise the resolution.
Vice-Chairperson Torbert asked for a motion to approve the revision to Resolution FYE2025-009. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the revised resolution be approved. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Torbert declared the revised resolution approved.

B. Resolution FYE2025-010: Tenant Write-Offs
Resolution FYE2025-010 was introduced by Vice Chairperson Torbert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the AHA Development LLC Tenant Write- Offs in the amount of $3,939.80. There was various discussion.

Vice Chairperson Torbert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2025-010. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Vice Chairperson Torbert declared the resolution approved.

C. Next Meeting

The next Regular Meeting will be held at the Auburn Housing Authority located at 931 Booker Street, Auburn, AL on Tuesday, November 19, 2024.


Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert thanked the Board for attending the meeting. There being no further business, Vice- Chairperson Torbert asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the meeting be adjourned, Commissioner White seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 2:36 PM.