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AHA Minutes - 08/27/2024


The Board of Commissioner's Regular Meeting

August 27, 2024

The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Auburn, Alabama had its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. The meeting was held at the Auburn Housing
Authority located at 931 Booker Street, Auburn, AL 36832.


The Board of Commissioner's Regular Meeting was called to order at 12:01 PM by Chairperson Robert Smith.


Board Members Present: Nolan Torbert, Rene Waldrop, Deborah Hand, Marguerite White and Robert Smith
Board Members Absent: None
Others Present: Sharon Tolbert (Secretary/Treasurer), Tabitha Griffin (Staff), Wendy Cochran (Staff - Virtual), and Mike Cohan (Attorney)


Chairperson Smith asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert asked to amend the agenda and move the approval of Resolution FYE2025-001 after Executive Session, while Attorney Mike Cohan is present. Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve the amended Agenda. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the amended Agenda be approved.  Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the Agenda approved.


Chairperson Smith asked if there were any corrections to the May 28, 2024, Annual Meeting Minutes. There were no corrections. Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve the Minutes.
Commissioner Torbert moved that the Minutes be approved. Commissioner Waldrop seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the Minutes approved.


There were no public comments.


The Board met in Executive Session beginning at 12:04 pm to discuss the CEO's employment contract. The Executive Session ended at 12:24 pm with no action taken. The regular order of business resumed at 12:25 pm.

Chairperson Smith thanked Secretary/Treasurer/CEO Tolbert for her hard work and dedication to the AHA. There was various discussion regarding Secretary/Treasurer/CEO Tolbert's exemplary performance.

Commissioner Waldrop moved that Secretary/Treasurer/CEO Tolbert receives the noted salary increase which is outlined in the executed contract and to extend her contract for another year.  Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the motion approved.

Secretary/Treasurer/CEO Tolbert thanked the Board for the generous salary increase and continued support.

A. Accounts Receivable Report: Business Activity: May 2024
Commissioners were provided with a copy of the Accounts Receivable Report. The report reflected expense reimbursements through May 2024.

B. AHA Business Activity: May 2024
Commissioners were provided a copy of the Business Activity's May 2024 Income and Expense Comparison Report, Board Operating Statement/Budget Report, and Board Operating Statement Comparison Report.

C. Multifamily Housing Department: AHA Development LLC: May 2024
Commissioners were provided a copy of the AHA Development LLC's May 2024 Income and Expense Comparison Report, Board Operating Statement/Budget Report, and Board Operating Statement Comparison Report.

D. Housing Choice Voucher Department: May 2024
Commissioners were provided a copy of the HCV Department's May 2024 Income and Expense Comparison Report, Board Operating Statement/Budget Report, and Board Operating Statement Comparison Report.

Wendy Cochran (COO) reviewed all financial reports. There was various discussion regarding the reports.

Due to file size, detailed financial reports were emailed to the Board before the meeting.


A. Affordable Housing Update
Commissioners were given a copy of the Affordable Housing update. There was various discussion regarding the updates and new developers. Commissioners agreed to meet with each developer, one on one, at the next meeting.

A. Resolution FYE2025-001: Employee Handbook Revisions
Resolution FYE2025-001 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the Employee Handbook revisions. There
was various discussion. 

Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2025-001. Commissioners agreed to approve all revisions. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.

B. Resolution FYE2025-002: Succession Plan Revision
Resolution FYE2025-002 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the Succession Plan revision. There was various discussion.

Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2025-002. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.

C. Resolution FYE2025-003: AHA Development LLC Tenant Write-Offs
Resolution FYE2025-003 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the AHA Development LLC Tenant Write-Offs in the amount of $1,486.11. There was various discussion.

Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2025-003. Commissioner Torbert moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.

D. Resolution FYE2025-004: CDBG 2024 Grant Award
Resolution FYE2025-004 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the CDBG 2024 grant award. There was various discussion.

Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2025-004. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner Waldrop seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.

E. Resolution FYE2025-005: Fixed Asset Write-Offs-Vehicles
Resolution FYE2025-005 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the vehicle Fixed Asset Write-Offs. There was various discussion.

Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2025-005. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.

F. Resolution FYE2025-006: FYE2024 EOY Report
Resolution FYE2025-006 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board that the resolution is to approve the FYE2024 EOY Report. There was various discussion.

Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2025-006. Commissioner Torbert moved that the resolution be approved. Commissioner Waldrop seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.

G. HUD MTW Compliance Assessment
Commissioners were given a copy of the HUD MTW Compliance Assessment. The report reflected AHA was compliant with the MTW Statutory Requirements, with no findings. The assessment was reviewed, and Commissioners congratulated AHA for staying in compliance and for having no findings.

H. Next Meeting
The next Regular Meeting will be held at the Auburn Housing Authority located at 931 Booker Street, Auburn, AL on Tuesday, September 24, 2024.


A. Multifamily Housing Department-Property Management
Commissioners were given a copy of the Multifamily Housing Department, Property Management Division Report. The report reflected units leased through July 2024. The report was reviewed.

B. Multifamily Housing Department: Maintenance Division
Commissioners were given a copy of the Multifamily Housing Department, Maintenance Division Report. The report reflected an overview of work orders completed through July 2024. The report was reviewed.

C. HCV Department
Commissioners were given a copy of the HCV Department Report. The report reflected vouchers leased through July 2024. The report was reviewed.

D. Resident Services Report
Commissioners were given a copy of the Resident Services Report. The report reflected resident activities and events through July 2024. 

E. Miscellaneous Report
Commissioners were given a copy of the Miscellaneous Report. The report provided an update on staffing/promotions, technology updates, the 2024 conference schedule, poster contest winners and other relevant information.

A copy of all reports and supporting documentation are attached and made a part of the Minutes.


Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert thanked the Board for attending the meeting. There being no further business, Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Waldrop moved that the meeting be adjourned, Commissioner White seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.