Special Purpose Vouchers
Special Purpose Vouchers
Special Purpose Vouchers are tenant-based vouchers reserved explicitly for special population groups. The AHA currently administers the following Special Purpose Vouchers: Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers, Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV), Mainstream Vouchers, and Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI) Vouchers. As with regular TBV, the housing assistance for special purpose voucher holders remains with the families; however, only families qualifying under the designated group for the special purpose vouchers will be eligible.
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers:
AHA has been allocated funding for 18 VASH Vouchers. The VASH program combines HUD's Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs), community-based outreach clinics (CBOCs), VA contractors, or other VA designated entities. If you are a Veteran and wish to utilize the VASH voucher, please contact the Central Alabama Health Care System (CAVHCS) at 334-727-0550 or 800-214-8387.
Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV):
AHA was awarded 44 Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs) funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 (Public Law No: 117-2). EHVs provide rental assistance for individuals and families who meet one of the following criteria:
- Homeless,
- At the risk of homelessness
- Fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or
- Were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability.
EHVs help individuals and families find housing and remain stably housed long-term. Our agency has partnered with Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless (ARCH) to determine which individuals and families will be eligible to receive an EHV.
To be eligible for an EHV, an individual or family must meet one of the eligibility categories:
- Lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
- Has an income below 30 percent of median family income for the area as determined by
- HUD.
- Reasonably believes that there is a threat of imminent harm in their current residence.
If you are an eligible individual or family and wish to utilize the EHV voucher, please contact Sabrina Betts at ARCH by calling 334-273-0668, and when prompted, select option 2.
Mainstream Vouchers:
AHA has been allocated funding for 20 Mainstream Vouchers. Mainstream vouchers assist non-elderly persons with disabilities. Aside from serving a special population, Mainstream vouchers are administered using the same rules as regular tenant-based vouchers. However, funding and financial reporting for Mainstream vouchers are separate from the regular tenant-based voucher program. AHA's Mainstream voucher applicants are selected from eligible families on the existing TBV waiting list. AHA will open the waiting list only for non-elderly disabled families if no eligible families are available. AHA will provide notice through various media outlets if the waiting list is opened for Mainstream vouchers.
Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI):
AHA has been allocated funding for up to 25 FYI Vouchers. HUD's FYI targets housing assistance to young people aging out of foster care and who are at extreme risk of experiencing homelessness. The initiative offers housing vouchers to local public housing authorities to prevent or end homelessness among young adults under the age of 5 who are, or have recently left, the foster care system without a hometo go to. Eligible applicants must be referred to AHA by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. If you are a foster youth that is about to age out of foster care and wish to utilize the FYI voucher, please contact the Alabama Department of Human Resources at (334) 242-1310.