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RHA Minutes - 06/11/2020

The Board of Commissioner's Annual Meeting
June 11, 2020

The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Roanoke, Alabama met on Thursday, June 11, 2020 via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Board of Commissioner's Annual Meeting was called to order at 5:43 pm by Chairperson Terry Kennedy. Sharon Tolbert, CEO acted as Secretary/Treasurer.


Present: Terry Kennedy, Sarah Nunn, Michael Watkins, Tom Staples, Jr. and Paula Lambert
Others Present: Sharon Tolbert and Sandra Sanders
Absent: None
There was a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.


Chairperson Kennedy asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. There were no changes to the Agenda. Chairperson Kennedy asked for a motion to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Lambert moved that the revised Agenda be approved. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Kennedy declared the Agenda approved.


Chairperson Kennedy asked if there were any changes to the March 12, 2020 Minutes; there were no changes. Chairperson Kennedy asked for a motion to approve the March 12, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Watkins moved that the Minutes be approved as received. Commissioner Lambert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Kennedy declared the Minutes approved.


There were no public comments.


A. RAD Update
Commissioners were provided a timeline of the RAD PBRA closing. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the timeline.

B. Board Status Report
The Board was provided a copy of the Board Status Report. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report.

A copy of the Unfinished Business reports are attached and made a part of the Minutes.


A. COVID-19 Update
The Board was provided a copy of the COVID-19 Update Report. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report.

B. Resolution FYE2020-009: FYB2020 Budget
Resolution FYE2020-009 was introduced by Chairperson Kennedy. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/CEO Tolbert informed the Board the
resolution is to approve the FYB2020 Budget. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the budget and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions. 

Chairperson Kennedy asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-009. Commissioner Staples moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Lambert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Kennedy declared the resolution approved.

C. Resolution FYE2020-010: 2020 Performance Award Criteria
Resolution FYE2020-010 was introduced by Chairperson Kennedy. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the
resolution is to approve the 2020 Performance Award Criteria. Secretary/CEO Tolbert reviewed the criteria and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions.

Chairperson Kennedy asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-010. Commissioner Watkins moved that the resolution be accepted as received. Commissioner Staples seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Kennedy declared the resolution approved.

D. Resolution FYE2020-011: Elect Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
Resolution FYE2020-011 was introduced by Chairperson Kennedy. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the
resolution is to Elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for a term of office Beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021. Commissioner Terry Kennedy was elected Chairperson and Commissioner Paula Lambert was elected Vice Chairperson.

Chairperson Kennedy asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-011. Commissioner Staples moved that the resolution be accepted as received. Commissioner Watkins seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Kennedy declared the resolution approved.

E. Next Meeting
The next Regular Meeting will be held on September 10, 2020 at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom.

A copy of the New Business reports, resolutions and supporting information are attached and made a part of the Minutes.


A. Financial Reports: February 2020 - April 2020
Commissioners were provided a copy of the February 2020 - April 2020 Income and Expense Comparison, Board Operating Statement/Budget, and Board Operating Statement Detail reports.
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the income and expense line items.

B. Capital Fund Program (CFP) Reports
Commissioners were given a copy of the 2018 - 2020 CFP grant report. Secretary/CEO Tolbert reviewed the grant balances.

C. CARES Act/COVID-19 Funding
Commissioners were given a copy of the CARES Act funding report. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reported the funding will be used for preparing, preventing and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A copy of the financial reports are attached and made a part of the Minutes.


A. Multifamily Housing Department: Property Management Division
Commissioners were given a copy of the Property Management Report which covered activities through April 2020. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report.

B. Multifamily Housing Department: Maintenance Division
Commissioners were given a copy of the Maintenance Report which covered activities through April 2020. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report.

C. Miscellaneous
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert stated the 2020 AAHRA Conference is scheduled for August 24 - 26, 2020. Commissioner Staples stated he wants to attend the conference.

Secretary/CEO Tolbert thanked the Board for participating in the meeting.

A copy of all of the departmental reports are attached and made a part of the Minutes.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:31 pm.