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AHA FYB2020 EOY Report

Auburn Housing Authority
FYB2020 Annual Action Plan
End of the Year Report

Board Approved: July 26, 2021
Resolution No: FYE2022-002


The end of the year (EOY) report details the Auburn Housing Authority's (AHA) accomplishments toward meeting the goals and objectives outlined in its Five-Year (FYB2020-FYB2024) Strategic Plan. The EOY report compares the actual performance of activities listed in the FYB2020 Annual Action Plan to be completed July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021.

The following categories established goals and objectives for FYB2020:
A. Resident Services
B. Project-Based Voucher Units
C. Housing Choice Voucher (formerly known as Section 8)
D. Information Technology
E. Affordable Housing
F. Human Resources
G. Finance
H. Public Relations and Marketing

Assessment of the FYB2020 Goals and Objectives:
A. Resident Services

Activity #1 - Workshops and Counseling Sessions

During FYB2020, AHA plan to offer workshops in an effort to promote self-sufficiency and needs of HCV participants/PBV residents.

1. Housekeeping
a. Staff held a spring-cleaning workshop on March 16, 2021, with seven attendees.

2. Credit Counseling
a. Staff held a Budgeting and Finance Workshop in conjunction with BBVA Bank on May 18, 2021 with eight attendees.

3. Budgeting
a. Staff held a Budgeting and Finance Workshop in conjunction with BBVA Bank on May 18, 2021 with eight attendees.

4. Domestic Violence
a. Staff held a "Human Trafficking Prevention" Zoom Workshop in conjunction with the Circle of Care on March 9, 2021 with 12 attendees.

5. College Preparation
a. Staff offered scholarship opportunity assistance on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout March 2021 with four residents assisted. AHA awarded a $500 scholarship to a resident attending SUCC in the Fall of 2021.

6. Housing Counseling
a. Staff focused on budgeting and finance workshops during FYB2020. Staff is working with BBVA and BB&T to offer housing counseling workshops.

7. Online and Miscellaneous Webinars
a. Staff adjusted to the virtual environment by starting a "Talk With Us Tuesday" virtual workshop/webinar series. Each Tuesday, the session covers a different topic. An average of 8 people attended each session.

Activity #2 - Education, Recreation, and Miscellaneous Activities

During FYB2020, AHA planned to offer HCV participants and/or PBV residents' school-aged children and college students with educational support and enhance recreational activities.

1. Donate school supplies
a. Approximately 396 school supply bags were distributed during January 2021.

2. Comply with supportive service requirements
a. Staff held a Supportive Service Informational Zoom on March 30, 2021. Ten people attended. Supportive Service requirements were waived due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

3. Sports activities for children
a. No Activity due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

4. Scholarship Fund
a. AHA awarded a $500 college scholarship to an AHA resident that will attend SUCC in Fall 2021. Staff offered scholarship application assistance four times throughout March 2021. A total of 4 residents were assisted.

5. Resident Advisory Board: Increase participation
a. All RAB members were provided iPads to assist in attending virtual meetings. RAB meetings were held virtually once a month.

6. Voter registration drive
a. In conjunction with the Lee County League of Women Voters, staff conducted a voter registration drive on October 15, 2020. Approximately 20 people registered and/or completed an absentee ballot.

7. COVID-19 testing and supply kits
a. Staff worked with Mainstreet Clinic to offer free COVID-19 Testing on October 28, 2020, a total of 5 residents were tested. Over 400 COVID-19 supply kits were distributed to PBV/TBV participants. Staff held a COVID-19 Vaccination clinic on April 28, 2021, with a total of 31 people vaccinated.

8. Food pantry
a. The Food Pantry opened for walk-ins as of June 2021. Walk-ins are accepted on Tuesdays from 8-10am and Thursdays from 2-4pm. Participants are encouraged to make appointments for times outside of walk-in hours.

The following programs were also offered during the fiscal year.

  • Lakeview Baptist Church provided lunch for Sparkman youth every Thursday in June.
  • Partnered with Auburn University VCOM, Pharmacy, and Social Work Departments to offer free health screenings at Ridgecrest, Moton, and Porter.
  • Talk With Us Tuesdays featured sessions on Campus Kitchen, Southern Union ASCEND Program, Unity Wellness, Dr. Bernard LaFayette (Civil Rights Activist), GED and Career Pathways, etc.
  • Provided supplies and assisted residents with HAI "What Home Means to Me" Poster contest
  • Offered family portraits during the Spring 2021.
  • Offered free HIV testing June 8, 2021.

The following organizations were instrumental in assisting the AHA in carrying out various resident service programs: Church of the Highlands, True Deliverance Holiness Church, Boys and Girls Club, City of Auburn, AU School of Pharmacy, AU VCOM, AU Social Work Department, AU Civic Engagement, Parkway Baptist Church, Lakeview Baptist Church, Our House, Tuskegee Lee Baptist Association and AU Baptist Campus Ministries, Food Bank, Esperanza House, and ACHR,

B. Project-Based Voucher Units

Activity #1 - Program Administration

During FYB2020, AHA desired to maintain a high performer status in managing project-based voucher (PBV) units.

1. Maintain a monthly occupancy rate of 96% or higher
a. There was an average occupancy rate of 96%

2. Decrease outstanding balances and reduce tenant write-off
a. Balances increased due to COVID-19. Staff reached out to residents who have overdue balances to set up a re-payment agreement.

3. Reduce evictions and unit abandonment
a. Due to COVID-19 and the Eviction Moratorium, staff did not process evictions for nonpayment. There was a decrease in unit abandonment. The Eviction Moratorium is expected to expire on July 31, 2021.

4. Setup online rent payment
a. The online payment portal was set up and available for residents in December 2020. There has been an increased number of uses since installation. There was an average of 25-30 online payments per month.

5. Setup electronic lease renewal and execution
a. Staff is working with SACS to finalize the software/hardware installation.

6. Setup rental drop box
a. The rental drop box was installed and has been used since April 2020.

7. Offer online resident portal
a. The online resident portal has been operational since November 2020. Staff received between 25-30 online payments per month. Staff is working to utilize all features of the resident online portal.

8. Utilize electronic notification system
a. The SACS notifications system is not fully operational. Staff encouraged all residents to signup for notifications via the website. Notification sign-up will be part of the move-in process.

9. Setup Web Document Manager
a. Document manager has been installed. Staff is working on a plan to implement its features.

10. Maintain current banning list and post at each site
a. Staff maintained a current banning list at Ridgecrest, Sparkman, and Porter.

11. Panic button at front counter
a. Not needed due to COVID-19 office closure.

Activity #2 - Site Improvements

During FYB2020, AHA planned to enhance its residential sites by improving aesthetics, security, etc.

1. Drake: maintain empty lot
a. The landscaping contractor maintained the empty interior lot.

2. All Sites: Security- Additional police patrol/Neighborhood Watch Program (coordinate with Auburn Police Department)
a. Auburn Police Department (APD) has increased patrol at all sites. Staff actively worked to foster a strong relationship with APD.

3. All Sites: Site beautification
a. Lawn is maintained on a monthly basis.

4. All Sites: Additional streetlights (where needed)
a. Alabama Power replaced all existing light fixtures with LED lights in April 2021. The updated light fixture will expand the light coverage.

5. All Sites: Street improvements (where needed)
a. Staff reached out to the City of Auburn on April 12, 2021 to inquire about adding some additional stripping near Boykin Street & Slaughter Avenue due to limited sight. It was suggested to have APD monitor the parking due to the City code requiring no parking within
a 25 ft. radius of any intersection.

6. All sites: Assigned parking
a. No activity. Objective will be included as a FYB2021 activity.

7. All Sites: Resident information board (covered in Plexiglas)
a. No activity. Objective will be included as a FYB2021 activity.

8. Auburn Day Care Centers Improvements (as needed)
a. The maintenance staff made repairs as needed. Maintenance has repaired various plumbing issues, repaired/replaced doors, and added mulch to the playground area.

Activity #3 - Maintenance

During FYB2020, AHA desired to maintain a high-level Maintenance Program.

1. Comply with PCA requirements
a. Installed PCA refrigerators at the Ridgecrest site

2. Work order monthly completion rate 95 - 100%
a. Work order completion rate has averaged 99%

3. Housing Quality Standard (HQS) inspections rate 98 - 100%
a. HQS Inspections are not being completed at this time due to COVID-19. Waiver extended through June 30, 2021.

4. Preventive maintenance on all public housing units
a. Limited preventative maintenance due to COVID-19.

5. Turnaround time on vacant units in 13 days
a. The unit turnaround has improved from 18-20 to 14-15 days.

C. Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program

Activity #1 - Program Administration

During FYB2020, AHA desired to maintain a high-level HCV Program.

1. SEMAP score of 90-100% to maintain high performer status
a. HUD did not issue FYE2021 SEMAP scores due to COVID-19 waivers.

2. Maximize funding and voucher utilization for all funded programs
a. HCV utilization goal has been met. PBV case management was outsourced to NMA and resulted in increased PBV utilization.

Activity #2 - Participants
During FYB2020, AHA desired to improve and enhance services to HCV participants.
1. Visa or MasterCard prepaid cards or direct deposit for participants that receive a utility allowance
a. The contract process is ongoing with US Bank. The pre-paid cards will be implemented
during FYB2021.
2. Administer the HCV Homeownership Program
a. The Board approved the HCV Homeownership Program during FYB2020. The plan is being implemented, and the program is being advertised to the community and participants.

3. Administer the HCV Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program
a. Goal completed. FSS grant funds were awarded during FYB2020.

4. Administer Foster Youth Initiative (FYI)vouchers
a. The Board approved administering FYI vouchers during FYB2020. Department of Human Resources' referrals are underway.

5. Apply for various voucher programs based on NOFA and local need
a. Mainstream voucher and Foster Youth Initiative voucher were awarded. The HCV was designated as a Moving to Work agency.

6. Comply with MTW Cohort #1 requirements
a. Goal Completed. AHA received its MTW designation during FYB2020.

7. Setup online Participate Portal
a. Portal is available, but the software does not provide a simple process to allow both HCV and MFH to serve the same participants. SACS is working to provide a viable solution.

8. Setup electronic notification system
a. No progress made due to other departmental requirements.

9. VASH: Enhance partnership with VA, maximize voucher utilization, and apply for additional VASH vouchers
a. HCV worked closely with HUD and the VA to foster a good working relationship to maximize VASH voucher utilization. HUD has informed HCV that the VA referrals decreased due to COVID-19.

Activity #3- Landlords

During FYB2020, AHA desired to improve and enhance services to HCV landlords.

1. Develop marketing strategy to increase landlord participation
a. The landlord recruitment plan was implemented during FYB2020. Staff is working to implement steps within the program.

2. Offer landlord incentive in an effort to increase participation
a. Landlord Incentive Program was implemented during FYB2020. Incentive include signing bonuses, vacancy payments, and application expense assistance.

D. Information Technology

Activity #1 - Information and Technology Improvements

During FYB2020, AHA desired to improve and enhance its information technology in an effort to have information accessible for those served and to improve efficiency.

1. Annual website updates
a. Website updated to make the application and online payment options more user-friendly.

2. Initiate MFH Resident and Landlord Portal and Virtual Services
a. The MFH Resident Portal is complete. Plans are ongoing to implement it as part of the movein process.

3. Initiate HCV Participant Portal and Virtual Services
a. The HCV Participant Portal is complete.

4. Initiate HCV Landlord Portal and Virtual Services
a. The portal is available and will be offered as a landlord incentive for listing a property with AHA.

5. Initiate HR employee online portal
a. The HR portal is complete. Staff has access to their W-2s, pay stubs, and submit work orders.

6. Internet access for resident
a. Staff worked with Point Broadband to receive a proposal for internet coverage for all sites. The proposal was not financially feasible. Staff is exploring other options and looking for funding opportunities.

7. Expand server capacity
a. Staff has implemented a new remote server desktop due to increased users. Users have been assigned to either .99 and .98 servers to create and not overload any particular server. The next phase is scheduled for FYB2021 that includes all staff using a local desktop server model.

8. Compliance cameras at all sites
a. Compliance cameras are budgeted for all sites for FYB2021. Verkada was selected and is working through the procurement process. Installation to begin in FYB2021.

E. Affordable Housing

During FYE2020, AHA desired to increase the supply of affordable housing for low and moderateincome families.

1. Acquire property for low-income housing development (multi-family/single-family)
a. ACDC submitted a Letter of Interest to purchase a 64-unit development in Auburn. ACDC was selected in the "Best and Final Offer" category. The offer acceptance is pending.

2. Redevelop project-based units owned by AHA's affiliate and managed agencies
a. Submitted 2021 9% LIHTC application for the proposed Ridgecrest redevelopment. Award status pending.

3. Apply for funding to expand affordable housing opportunities
a. The CEO coordinated with three housing authorities and the AAHRA organization to submit comments to the AHFA regarding the 2021 Qualified Application Plan (QAP). The AHA submitted a 2021 9% LIHTC application for the proposed Ridgecrest redevelopment. The City of Auburn awarded AHA $500,000 for the proposed redevelopment.

F. Human Resources

Activity #1 - General Administration

During FYB2020, AHA desired to enhance services to employees.

1. Setup online employee portal
a. Objective completed October 2020. All employees have access to see W-2s, check stubs, and submit work orders.

2. Improve inter-office relations
a. Staff is emailed about new hires and job vacancies to keep staff informed of organization happenings.

G. Finance

Activity #1 -Administration

During FYB2020, AHA plans to implement various activities in an effort to improve the overall performance of the Finance Department.

1. Employee cross training and professional development
a. Online webinars/workshops/trainings have allowed for some professional development. The Procurement Specialist received training in Contract Management and Section 3 and will work on an updated Section 3 Plan in FYB2021. The training will allow the Procurement Specialist to process RFP/RFQ issuances independently.

2. Provide technology needs to enhance job performance
a. Multi-function printers/scanners were installed in all finance offices to allow documents to be processed and stored digitally. The Inventory Clerk utilized an iPad to complete inventory valuation for FYE2021 and will begin utilizing the tablet and SACS' Mobile Inventory System to maintain Fixed Asset Inventory and Maintenance Supplies Inventory upon completing the fiscal year inventory valuation.

3. Achieve financial goals to receive high performer rating
a. Staff strived to maintain a high level of effectiveness to maintain high performer rating and made adjustments to overcome obstacles faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. No audit findings related to the financial performance
a. Staff strived to maintain a high level of effectiveness to ensure no audit find and made adjustments to overcome the obstacles faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Established procedures to ensure accuracy in reporting and compliance with internal controls to allow residents the opportunity to submit payments online and through drop box. Files audited monthly by the Finance Director and Compliance Officer to ensure internal controls are in place and procedures are followed related to receipt of payments and resident accounts.

5. Develop a HUD-compliant system to track CARES Act funding/ exp.

a. The Finance Department utilized the current housing software to track CARES Act funding and expenditures. The Finance Director maintained a spreadsheet to track CARES Act funding received, obligated funds/expenditures to date, and remaining funds available
periodically reviewed by the CEO.

6. Close end of the month processing by the 15th of each month (exceptions due to end of the year processing)
a. Moderate progress was made due to COVID-19 Pandemic and changes in contracted Fee Accountant Services. The deadline for end-of-the-year financial submissions was extended due to COVID-19 creating a backlog in monthly processing. Staff created new procedures and an online system due to the new fee accounted

Activity #2 - Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables

1. Process all billing in an accurate, timely, and efficient manner
a. The Finance Department was restructured by hiring an Accounts Payable Clerk responsible for processing invoice payments and all bills related to the Accounts Payable function. The Finance Director position was restructured to Interim Chief Operating Officer to allow
program monitoring to ensure billing is processed according to program guidelines.

2. Ensure intercompany receivable balances are current
a. There was moderate progress made due to Covid-19 Pandemic and changes in contracted Fee Accountant Services. The deadline for end-of-the-year financial submissions was extended due to backlog in monthly processing. In addition, a new Fee Accountant was contracted, creating additional delays as new online systems and procedures were created and adapted as needed. All payables/receivables are current through May 2021. June 2021, payable/receivable were reimbursed partially based on the expenses/revenue information available.

3. Reduce end of year receivable balances
a. There was moderate progress made due to Covid-19 Pandemic and changes in contracted Fee Accountant Services. The deadline for end-of-the-year financial submissions was extended due to backlog in monthly processing. In addition, a new Fee Accountant was contracted, creating additional delays as new online systems and procedures were created and adapted as needed. All grant funds expenses due from HUD were requested through May 2021. June 2021, partial reimbursement for expenses to date was drawn down before fiscal year-end to reduce the receivable balance due from HUD.

4. Ensure accounts payable vendor balances remain low
a. There was moderate progress made due to Covid-19 Pandemic and changes in contracted Fee Accountant Services. The deadline for end-of-the-year financial submissions was extended due to backlog in monthly processing. In addition, a new Fee Accountant was contracted, creating additional delays as new online systems and procedures were created and adapted as needed. Staff reviewed outstanding purchase orders with the Purchasing Clerk before fiscal year-end. Staff requested invoices from vendors with outstanding purchase orders for received inventory materials to reduce the balance in payables at the end of the fiscal year.

Activity #3 - Procurement

1. Complete procurement for standard contractors for emergency/as needed basis 

a. The Covid-19 Pandemic presented unique obstacles related to procuring services and executing contracts. Staff returning to work in-office full time helped eliminate the delays in processing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Staff established contracts for Unit Turnaround, On-Call HVAC Services, Unit Cleaning, and On-Call Carpentry Services. Tree removal, plumbing, and electrical emergency/as-needed contract services will be procured during FYB2021

2. Complete procurement for vendor lists for maintenance materials
a. The Covid-19 Pandemic presented unique obstacles related to procuring services and executing contracts. Staff returning to work in-office full time helped eliminate the delays in processing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Staff executed blanket purchase orders/cooperative agreements for Home Depot (Maintenance Repair Materials), PPG (Paint and Paint Supplies), and Strickland Paper Company (Copier Paper/Speciality Paper). Agreements for maintenance repair materials, HVAC materials, and plumbing materials utilizing online government contract sites and the State of Alabama contract site will be procured during FYB2021.

3. Complete procurement for HCV Prepaid Cards for program participations
a. Procurement for the HCV Prepaid Card was completed, and the vendor was awarded the contract. Contract and addendums have been forwarded to the vendor for execution. Staff is awaiting signed forms to be returned from the vendor after review by their legal department.

4. Utilize SACS Contract Module
a. The Covid-19 Pandemic presented unique obstacles related to procuring services and executing contracts. Staff returning to work in-office full time helped eliminate the delays in processing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. All new contracts executed during the fiscal year
ending 2021 were entered into the SACS Contract Module. The Procurement Specialist is comparing the contract log against the SACS contract listing and is working to have all open contracts entered in the SACS contract module by the end of FYB2021.

5. Prepare/monitor contract log to ensure all contracts remain current
a. The Covid-19 Pandemic presented unique obstacles related to procuring services and executing contracts. Staff returning to work in-office full time helped eliminate the delays in processing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The contract log was maintained in Excel and submitted monthly to the Finance Director and CEO. The log was monitored to ensure that contracts are extended or were applicable new procurement is completed before contract expiration. The SACS Contract Module was updated to allow for more timely and accurate
monitoring of contracts in the future.

6. Develop a cohesive HUD-compliant procurement and contract management system
a. The Covid-19 Pandemic presented unique obstacles related to procuring services and executing contracts. Staff returning to work in-office full time helped eliminate the delays in processing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. An independent consultant was contracted to establish a cohesive HUD-compliant procurement and contract management system. Staff training to maintain the contract system is ongoing.

Activity #4 - Purchasing and Inventory

1. Fully utilize SACS Mobile Inventory System
a. The Covid-19 Pandemic presented unique obstacles related to implementing the Mobile Inventory System. Staff returning to work in-office full time helped eliminate the delays in processing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Inventory Clerk utilized an iPad to complete
inventory valuation for FYE2021 and will begin utilizing the tablet and SACS' Mobile Inventory System to maintain Fixed Asset Inventory and Maintenance Supplies Inventory upon completing the fiscal year inventory valuation.

2. Perform inventory valuations on quarterly basis
a. There was limited progress made due to staggered employee hours as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Inventory Clerk utilized an iPad to complete inventory valuation for FYE2021 and will begin utilizing the tablet and SACS' Mobile Inventory System to maintain Fixed Asset Inventory and Maintenance Supplies Inventory upon completing the fiscal year inventory valuation. Quarterly inventory valuations will begin in FYB2021 when the SACS Mobile Inventory system is fully implemented.

3. Minimize outstanding purchase orders at fiscal year end
a. There was moderate progress made due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Staff reviewed outstanding purchase orders with the Purchasing Clerk before fiscal year-end. Staff requested invoices from vendors with outstanding purchase orders for received inventory materials to reduce the balance in payables at the end of the fiscal year

H. Public relations and Marketing


During FYB2020, AHA desires to implement various marketing strategies to enhance communication with clients and the general public.

1. Increase social media following and website subscribers
a. Social Media following has grown over FYB2020. Subscription to website notifier will be part of the MFH move-in process in FYB2021. We currently have 560 like and 590 followers on Facebook.

2. Publish quarterly newsletter
a. Newsletters have been going out every quarter. The content and process are constantly improving. The Spring Edition Resident Spotlight story caught the attention of several news outlets and prompted additional interviews and stories to be published about the resident.

3. Enhance website and social media postings
a. Our website and social media posting were always evaluated to look for ways to improve.

Describe how frequent the activities are monitored.
The CEO monitored the progress of completing the objectives on a quarterly basis in an effort to ensure the objectives were completed in a timely manner.

Describe progress in meeting priority objectives.
AHA has made significant progress in meeting priority goals and objectives by funding and implementing various high priority activities that were identified in the 5-year Con Plan.

Describe obstacles in goals and objectives outlined in the FYB2020 Action Plan.
Staff turnover in the HCV and Multifamily Departments was a major contributing factor in meeting all the goals and objectives of the FYB2020 Annual Action Plan. However, staff has been hired in both
departments, and improvements have been made. The COVID-19 Pandemic forced the organization to work remotely for the first three quarters. As a result, progress toward goals was hindered.