Are you registered to vote?
Alabama! Are you registered to vote? Do you have a plan to vote in this election? Know your deadlines, register, and make a plan to vote!
Important Alabama Election Dates and Deadlines:
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Register to Vote Deadlines:
Online: Oct. 19 by 11:59 p.m.
By mail: Postmarked by Oct. 19
In-person: Oct. 19 by close of business
Alabama does not offer an early voting period. If you will be unable to vote in person on Election Day, you can request an absentee ballot by mail or by visiting your local election office.
Absentee ballot deadlines:
Request: Oct. 29 by close of business
Return by mail: Postmarked by Nov. 2
Return in person: Nov. 2 by 5:00 p.m.
You can find the link to register to vote or update your registration online here.
To find your polling station for upcoming elections using your address, click here.
Upcoming Voter Registration Drive Info:
Thursday, October 15th
2 pm-4 pm
Ridgecrest Community - 931 Booker Street
Porter Community - 415 White Street
Sparkman Community - 1350 Commerce Drive
East Park Community - 900 Old Mill Road
Boykin Community Center - 400 Boykin Street
*Mask and Picture IDs are Required.