Roanoke Rising Fall 2023
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Cover
Roanoke Rising
Fall 2023
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - CEO
The Roanoke Housing Authority is managed by the Auburn Housing Authority.
Welcome to the Fall 2023 edition of the Roanoke Rising! Fall has always been my favorite season. I look forward to the crisp weather, football season, vibrant hues of the leaves, and holidays!
The Summer was a memorable season for our team. We added new members to our team, and some were promoted; FYB2022/FYE2023 was closed, and the Board approved the FYB2023/FYE2024 operating budget, policies were revised and implemented, and more. As always, I commend our team for their hard work and dedication during the last quarter.
As we enter the Fall season, our team is working diligently to prepare for the FYE2023 audit, install additional surveillance cameras, finalize plans to provide Wi-Fi in all units, and more.
I want to thank our residents for your patience as we work through our virtual initiatives. The desire is to enhance electronic options to allow our services to be more convenient and accessible and decrease turnaround time. Further, thank you for allowing the Roanoke Housing Authority (RHA) to assist with your housing needs; we truly value you!
As always, I want to thank the Board for entrusting me to continue to serve as the CEO of the RHA. Thank you to our community partners for your contributions as we strive to provide valuable services and resources to our families.
I hope that you find the Fall 2023 Roanoke Rising edition to be a useful tool to communicate upcoming news, events, and more. For more information, please visit our website at and sign up for "News and More" to receive email and text notifications. Also, be sure to connect with us on social media!
As we end the Summer season and start Fall, "Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year." As always, "Please take care of yourself and each other."
Bountiful Blessings,
Sharon N. Tolbert, CEO
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Commissioner's Corner
RHA is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners, representing a cross-section of the community and appointed by the Mayor of the City of Roanoke. One member must be a resident of an RHA property or program.
The Commissioners are responsible for overseeing the fiscal management of the agency and approving policies.
The board meetings are held at 5:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday in March, June, September and December. The meeting date is subject to change. Thank you to all Commissioners for your loyal and dedicated service to the RHA!
Paula Lambert, Chairperson Scot Thomason, Vice Chairperson Sarah Nunn, Resident Commissioner Robert Alton Joiner, Commissioner Patrice Awbrey, Commissioner
RHA Board Meetings
Date: December 14
Time: 5:30 pm (CST)Location: RHA Administrative Office
201 Avenue A, Roanoke, AL.The date, time, and location are subject to change.
Board Updates
During the last quarter, the Board approved the FYB2023/FYE2024 operating budget, policies were revised and implemented, and other action items were approved. Commissioner Lambert was appointed Chairperson, and Commissioner Thomason was appointed Vice Chairperson for terms beginning July 2023 - June 2024.
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Human Resources & News
New Team Members
Tyrin Giddens
Maintenance Mechanic Asst - AHA (07.31.23)Tabitha Griffin
Executive Business Coordinator - AHA (08.28.23)Employee Spotlight: Sharon Tolbert, CEO
Sharon began her career with the Auburn Housing Authority (AHA) as the Accounting Manager on July 1, 1994, and later returned in July 2013 as the Chief Operating Officer. Upon Lee Eastman's retirement, she was named the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the AHA and its managed agencies (LaFayette and Roanoke Housing Authority) in January 2015.
Before returning to the AHA in 2013, Sharon worked for the City of Auburn for nearly sixteen years as the Director of Community Development, where she managed the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Sharon worked closely with the AHA on various CDBG-funded initiatives, including the Moton redevelopment and resident service programs. She continues to have a great working relationship with the City of Auburn's team.
The AHA has seen many positive changes under Sharon's leadership. She implemented several new initiatives, and AHA and its managed agencies have received numerous awards at the state, regional, and national levels.
Sharon serves on various Boards and Committees while overseeing the daily operations of AHA. To stay abreast of industry changes, she has completed several certification programs and attends training and professional development sessions regularly.
Sharon's passion and desire are to enhance affordable housing options for families that are in need of safe and decent housing. She promotes programs to achieve the mission of providing personal, economic, and social upward mobility to provide individuals and families the opportunity to make the transition from subsidized to non-subsidized housing.
Sharon celebrated 10 years of employment on July 11, 2023! We look forward to many more years under her leadership and guidance and to seeing her dreams realized.
Staff Directory
Tabitha Griffin Executive Business Coordinator 210 Sandra Sanders Executive Admin Assistant 237
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Wendy Cochran Chief Operating Officer 247
Shannon Walters HCV Manager 221
Todd James
HCV Caseworker II (PBV) 267 Charlotte Bowen
HCV Caseworker II (TBV) 224
Tina Rodriguez Interim HCV Caseworker I 217 Rachel Harris Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator 259
Multifamily Housing (MFH) Laura Squiers MFH Director 243
Dominique Moore Property Management Supervisor 242
Greg Moore Regional Maintenance Manager
Jaquinta Pettus Cashier/Receptionist 217
Charlotte Mattox Resident Services Coordinator 230
Finance Wendy Cochran Chief Operating Officer 247
Richetta Stephens Interim Accountant 228
Sylvia Impson Purchasing Clerk 255
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - HR Continued
Office Closures
- Veteran's Day, Observed November 9th
- Thanksgiving, November 22nd - 23rd
- Christmas, December 25th
Observed holidays that fall on Friday or Saturday will be observed on the preceding Thursday because the Housing Authority's office is closed on Friday. Observed holidays that fall on Sunday will be observed on the following Monday.
Current Openings
- Maintenance Mechanic (AHA)
- Maintenance Mechanic Assistant (LHA)
Visit for job descriptions.
Employee Benefits:
- BCBS medical benefits
- BCBS dental benefits
- Group life insurance
- State retirement
- Supplemental Insurance
- Annual leave
- Sick leave
- Paid holidays
- Career Incentive Program (CIP)*
- Four-day work week (Monday - Thursday)
*The Board of Commissioners approved the CIP in May 2022. The CIP encourages employees to obtain and develop job-related knowledge and skills which enhance their value to AHA and its managed agencies. To foster participation in higher-level career development opportunities, the CIP incentivizes employees to achieve various professional development milestones.
Finance/Accounts Payable
In an effort to increase efficiency and reduce processing time, AHA is converting to an online system for all finance department programs. A part of the conversion implementation includes processing Accounts Payable payments through ACH transfers. AHA will begin notifying vendors about the upcoming conversion and provide additional information on how vendors can begin receiving their payments through ACH instead of paper checks. In addition to ACH payments, AHA will begin coordinating with vendors to start sending/receiving invoices electronically. Future implementation plans include the creation of a vendor portal allowing vendors to submit invoices, check on payment status, and download 1099s.
If you are a current vendor partnering with AHA and would like more information related to ACH payments or electronic transmission of invoices, you can contact the Finance Department for more information.
Richetta Stephens, AHA Accountant, can provide additional information and can be reached at (334) 821-2262, Extension 228, or by email at
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - HR & More
To accomplish our mission of providing affordable housing, it is imperative that AHA works with vendors and contractors who can deliver the highest quality of goods and services at the best value. In order to maximize its contracting dollars, AHA looks for as much competition as the open market will provide. We are always looking for new qualified vendors.
AHA is currently processing bids for roofing services for the Auburn and Roanoke sites. In addition, AHA is preparing a bid for FSS Coordinator Services to procure services to administer the Family Self-Sufficiency Program for Auburn Housing Authority. Future procurements for AHA may include services for plumbing, tree removal, and establishing a pool of vendors to supply maintenance materials when needed. Make sure that you register under the e-procurement site to ensure you receive notifications when related bids open for procurement.
Learn more about becoming a vendor, current solicitations, and procurement guidelines by visiting
E-Procurement Process
In an effort to improve our communication with our vendors, reduce administrative costs, and streamline our procurement process, AHA conducts most of its competitive solicitations on the e-Procurement Marketplace site. Please be advised that AHA absorbs all costs for using this Marketplace; therefore, there will not be any additional charges to your firm to use this Marketplace site if you desire to respond to a published procurement solicitation.
To take part in the e-procurement process, please follow these instructions:
- Access (no "www").
- Click on the "login" button on the upper left side (for registered users) or
- Click the "Sign up as a Vendor" button on the lower left side (for non-registered users).
- Follow the listed directions.
- If you have any problems accessing or registering on the Marketplace, please contact customer support at (866) 526-9266.
Benefits of utilizing e-procurement include:
- Automatic notification of bid opportunities
- The ability to download procurement documents directly from the Internet
- Automatic notification of addenda
- Access to procurement solicitation information 24 hours per day and 7 days a week
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Back to School Event
RHA hosted a Back-to-School Event in August. Children who live in the Avenue A and Seymour community were provided school supplies to ensure our youth were prepared and ready to begin a successful school year!
We want to thank Commissioner Sarah Nunn for volunteering at the event.
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - HCV Programs
Tenant-Based Vouchers (TBV)
Auburn Housing Authority's (AHA) Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Tenant-Based Voucher (TBV) Program allows low-income families to rent quality housing in the private market via federal funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Through the HCV Program, AHA pays a portion of eligible families' rent each month directly to the property owner. Families can use their vouchers to rent a house or apartment in the private market throughout both Lee and Chambers County, with the exception of the city limits of Opelika, AL.
Because there are more families who need rental assistance than there are funds available, AHA uses a waiting list to administer the program to eligible families.
Applicant families must meet the following eligibility requirements to qualify for the HCV Program:
• Meet HUD's definition of family
• Meet income limits specified by HUD
• Qualify on the basis of citizenship or eligible immigrant status
• Provide Social Security number
• Sign required consent forms
• Pass screening processCurrently, AHA's tenant-based voucher waiting list is closed. AHA will provide notice through a variety of media outlets when it reopens. To learn more, contact Charlotte Bowen at 334-821-2262 ext. 224 or by e-mail at
Resident Notice
The Roanoke Housing Authority's (RHA) mission is to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for families. RHA must comply with the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) regulations and RHA's internal policies and procedures. RHA encourages families to comply with the following requirements to maintain their housing assistance.
a. Comply with your annual recertification requirements and submit the requested information by the deadline.
b. Report all changes in income and household composition.
c. Comply with your public housing dwelling lease.
d. Comply with all written requests and forward the requested information by the deadline.
Not complying with the requirements above may result in the termination of your assistance or eviction. The list above is not all-inclusive. If you have questions about your public housing assistance, please contact Beth Redding, Property Manager l (334) 863-4513.
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)
The VASH program combines HUD's Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs), community-based outreach clinics (CBOCs), through VA contractors, or through other VA designated entities. If you are a Veteran and wish to utilize the VASH voucher, please contact the Central Alabama Health Care System (CAVHCS) at 334-727-0550 or 800-214-8387.
Mainstream Vouchers
Mainstream Vouchers assist households that include a non-elderly person(s) with a disability. This is defined as any family that includes a person with a disability who is at least 18 years old and not yet 62 years old at the effective date of the initial Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract. Aside from serving a special population, Mainstream Vouchers are administered using the same rules as other Housing Choice Vouchers. AHA's Mainstream Voucher waiting list is currently closed; however, HCV will open the waiting list for Mainstream Vouchers on May 15, 2023, and accept the first 100 qualifying applicants.
Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI)
HUD's FYI targets housing assistance to young people aging out of foster care and who are at extreme risk of experiencing homelessness. The initiative offers housing vouchers to local public housing authorities to prevent or end homelessness among young adults under the age of 25 who are, or have recently left, the foster care system without a home to go to. Eligible applicants must be referred to AHA by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. If you are a foster youth that is about to age out of foster care and wish to utilize the FYI voucher, please contact the Alabama Department of Human Resources at (334) 242-1310.
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Resident Corner
Surveillance Cameras
As you may have noticed, surveillance cameras have been installed at all sites. There are plans to add more cameras in the near future. Also, additional lighting has been added to all properties.
If you have questions, contact Laura Squiers, Multifamily Housing Director, at (334) 821-2262 ext. 243 or
Policy Reminder
RHA is committed to providing all residents with safe, decent, and sanitary housing and ensuring that all residents have the right to peaceful enjoyment of their apartment. As a part of this commitment, RHA has implemented weekly property assessments. As a result, RHA requests residents' assistance in addressing frequent issues observed. (Please note that all residents agree to abide by this policy upon signing a lease, failure to do so can lead to fines and eviction.)
1. No parking on or driving across the grass is permitted at any time.
2. Before bringing a pet and/or service animal home, you must contact RHA's office. RHA has no pet visitation policy.
3. All smoke detectors inside the home must be operable. Residents should contact the office to request batteries for all beeping smoke detectors. Smoke detectors should not be tampered with, removed, disconnected, or covered.
Contact RHA Property Manager Beth Redding via phone at 334-869-8863 or e-mail at
Exterior and Groundskeeping
RHA is committed to providing an attractive environment for all our communities. Residents, please be reminded that:
1. All garbage and debris must be disposed of in the City of Roanoke assigned garbage carts. No trash should accumulate on the grounds or porch of the apartment.
2. All garbage carts must be stored appropriately at the rear of my apartment. Garbage carts are allowed on the street the night before the scheduled pickup and returned to storage the next day.
3. All child(ren)/guests; conduct must be controlled to prevent damage to the interior and exterior of the apartment.
4. Roofs must be free of litter, sticks, and other debris.
5. Do not accumulate items on the porch, yard, or any other property premises.
6. Inoperable vehicles are not allowed in parking areas, sidewalks, or grass.
7. All bicycles and toys must be stored appropriately and not scattered around the yard.
8. All large items (sofas, mattresses, etc.) must not be on the curb earlier than one day before the scheduled City of Roanoke garbage pickup.
- Security Grant Award!
The Roanoke Housing Authority was awarded a $50,000 Emergency Safety and Security Grant. The grant is sponsored by HUD. The proceeds will be used to install additional security cameras.
- 2023 AAHRA Best Practices: Rebranding Initiative (State)
- 2023 AAHRA Newsletter of the Year (Small Category): LaFayette HA
- 2023 (2022 coverage) Housing Authority Insurance: Low Loss Ratio Award - Auburn HA (National)
- 2023 (2022 coverage) Housing Authority Insurance: Low Loss Ratio Award - LaFayette HA (National)
- 2023 NAHRO Administrative Innovation: Landlord Symposium (National)
- 2023 NAHRO Resident and Client Services: Operation CommUNITY (National)
Rent Payment
ALL locations will stop taking rent at 4:30 p.m. on the last business day of each month.
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Residents
Rental Insurance
Residents are encouraged to obtain rental insurance. Rental insurance helps to protect your belongings after a covered loss.
Smoking Policy
Smoking is NOT permitted inside the unit. See the Smoke-Free Policy that's included as an addendum to your lease for more information.
Pet Policy
RHA's Pet Policy is included within the Lease Addendum signed by all Residents. By signing, residents agreed to report all pets and pay deposits and applicable fees. Per the lease, RHA residents agree to:
"Not keep or allow dogs, cats, or any other animals or pets on the premises without the prior written consent of the Landlord and in accordance with the Landlord's Pet Policy. Residents are only allowed to keep common household pets in their units subject to the execution of the pet policy of the Landlord and proper execution of the Lease addendum for pets. Resident agrees to comply with the Pet Policy. Violation of the pet rules, as outlined in the lease addendum, will be grounds for removal of the pet, fines, termination of pet owner's tenancy, or both. Violation of this Paragraph shall be considered a serious violation of this lease;."
If you have a pet and have not notified the property manager, do so immediately. Failure to comply can lead to financial penalties and/or eviction. To request a copy or questions concerning the RHA's Pet Policy, contact Beth Redding via phone at 334-863-4513 or via e-mail at
For the safety of our residents and maintenance staff, effective immediately, residents will not be allowed in the vicinity of our maintenance staff while they are performing maintenance repairs inside of RHA units. Residents will be required to go into another room until all maintenance issues have been addressed.
An emergency work order will be completed within twenty-four (24) hours. If a situation is determined to not be an emergency, the resident will be informed that the request will be considered as "any other resident work order request." Normal work orders will be resolved within 3 business days. Emergency Work Orders are when the situation constitutes a serious threat to the life, safety, or health of resident(s) or staff, or the situation will cause serious damage to the property, property structure, or systems if not repaired within twenty-four (24) hours.
Examples of a work order emergency are:
-Broken exterior door lock
-Loss of power - mechanical failure
-Broken water line
-Loose or falling ceiling
-No Heat (when the outside temperature is less than 35 degrees)Please call to request a work order:
Greg Moore
Regional Maintenance Manager
Phone: (334) 821-2262 ext. 262For Police and Fire Emergencies, dial 911
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Policy Alert
Collection Policy
I. RENT DUE DATE: Rent and service fees are due on the first (1st) of each month. No partial payments will be accepted on or after the rent due date.
II. LATE FEE CHARGED: If rent and service fees are not received by 5:00 p.m. on the sixth (6th) of the month, a "late fee" in accordance with the Board approved posted current late fee charge will be added to your account.
III. Residents who fail to pay their rent or make arrangements to resolve balances by 5:00 p.m. on the sixth (6th) will be sent a "LEASE TERMINATION NOTICE."
IV. Residents requesting a hardship must request the hardship prior to being considered late. Hardships will not be granted on requests made after the last day to pay on time unless a verifiable emergency exists.
V. Residents who are still residing in the apartment after the lease termination notice has expired will be issued eviction papers.
VI. If a resident moves out of a dwelling unit owing the Housing Authority for back rent, repairs, and/or other expenses, he or she should arrange for the debt to be paid or face possible court action.
VII. Residents who are late with their rent (have not paid rent on or before the 6th of the month) 3 times in a calendar year will receive a "LEASE TERMINATION NOTICE": Non-Curable.
Roanoke Rising Fall 2023 - Back Cover
Mainstream Voucher Waiting List is Open!
- Mainstream Vouchers are for households with a non-elderly disabled person.
- This is defined as any family that includes a person with a disability who is at least 18 years old and not yet 62 years old.
We need your help to keep OUR communities clean!
Garbage cans
- Can be placed at the curb the night prior to pick up.
- Must be removed from the curb the evening after pick up and placed at the back of your unit.
- Fines could be imposed if cans are left by the curb on days that there is no garbage pick up.
Now that spring is here, we want to give you a few reminders from your lease.
- The Resident agrees only to use authorized grills and to use grills (including storage) in areas authorized by the HA. In no circumstances shall the grills be used under a porch/covering or within 10 feet of any overhang or housing authority building.
- The use of any swimming pools on the premises is prohibited.
- Playground equipment, including swings, slides, trampolines, basketball goals, etc., which is not HA approved and/or provided, is prohibited.